Build your own J-Wall Smarthome central

- Funkyhome Smarthome Forum

-- English

--- Build your own J-Wall Smarthome central

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-- Veröffentlicht durch funkyhome am 15:19 am 7. Jan. 2021

In the following tutorial, we show how to build a central Smarthome control unit on the wall or rather in the wall.
Those who followed the J-Box building instructions on our portal at the time can quickly deduce from the name J-Box or Juke-Box that the J-Wall is not only about a Smarthome control unit, but ultimately also about a central unit for supplying music via Bluetooth & Co. A central video surveillance system and many other functions are of course also possible.

We look forward to receiving a lot of feedback and hope you enjoy reading the new instructions :readit:

Click here for the new J-Wall Smarthome Control Tutorial

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