AlphaESS VitaPower VT1000 with 2x VitaMate VM1000 Video

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--- AlphaESS VitaPower VT1000 with 2x VitaMate VM1000 Video

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-- Veröffentlicht durch funkyhome am 14:30 am 21. Sep. 2024

A video about the new AlphaESS VitaPower VT1000 Powerstation with two VitaMate VM1000 expansion batteries has just gone online :tv:
We have just published a video about the Alpha ESS Powerstation together with the Alpha ESS expansion battery, with which you can feed directly into the house grid without any additional inverter thanks to two integrated MPPTs, in order to obtain a balcony power plant with storage and solar panel feed-in.
In the next video on the AlphaESS app, we go into a little more detail and even show you how to set up and configure the app.

I hope you like the new Video :)

Click here for the new AlphaESS VitaPower VT1000 and 2x VitaMate VM1000 Video

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